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Posts by admin:

Deck Remodel – Monday (day 14)

Posted on October 4, 2010 with 2 Comments
in Outdoor Projects

Back to the work week where not much gets done in the evenings.  Now that the weather is colder here it also seems like the light is going away pretty fast.  At the point when we move the clocks back I am sure there won’t be any light after work, so I better get it whipped by then.   I did get a few more deck boards down and even put two in with a notch to accommodate the post.

Here's the notched pieces. The dark one is so dark due to the wetness of the treated wood.

The next two pictures can sort of give you an idea of how much decking I have down now.  The deck is about 27′ long so there are a few necessary splice in the runs.  I have consciously tried to keep them spaced out.  It takes a little longer to plan and cut, but in the long run I think it will look a lot nicer than the previous deck where the joints were always in the same two spots.

Looking along the front of the kitchen window

I hope the deck looks this "warm and inviting" when I'm all done!

Deck Remodel – Saturday (day 13)

Posted on October 2, 2010 with No Comments
in Outdoor Projects

Back at it again.  I think we made a lot of progress today.  At least that is what my muscles are telling me right now! I did sneak in two joists on Thursday night, but it wasn’t worth posting about, but I did take a picture. We started pretty early today.  My neighbor stopped by […]

Deck Remodel – Tuesday (day 12)

Posted on September 28, 2010 with No Comments
in Outdoor Projects

Vic and I put up a few joist hangers today and then measured for some new joists.  Vic helped mark for the cuts and after helping me drag the heavy boards to the saw, and getting them set up I let him carefully perform the cuts. Then after nailing them in place it was dinner […]

Deck Remodel – Saturday and Sunday (day 10-11)

Posted on September 26, 2010 with No Comments
in Outdoor Projects

Well lots of activity going on this weekend.  Spending time with family is definitely a better choice than slaving away on the deck.  I did manage with Jenny’s help to slip in a few more posts.  We put two up on Saturday. Sunday was very nice and cool.  It is amazing how much perspiring I […]

Deck Remodel – Friday (day 9)

Posted on September 25, 2010 with No Comments
in Outdoor Projects

Another post up.  I think we have just 4 to go then.  A few more joists and then I can start decking!