Printer Stand
The weather has certainly not been cooperating here lately for me to be able to pull out the powertools and start another project. I don’t really care for doing woodworking in the garage with the door down without being able to capture all the sawdust and keep it out of my face. Hopefully the sun […]
Planning – the Key to Success
I know you’ll probably consider this a little backwards, but I thought I’d show the planning for the hole in the wall for some of my most recent posts after the project is done. Planning for projects is a must… even if at the expense of spontaneity. Even something as simple as cutting out […]
Shelf Complete
My mother sent a picture of the shelf after she painted the surrounding wall. Looks quite nice!
Hole in the Wall – Now with Shelf!
My brother installed the shelf in the hole in the wall over the weekend. I provided him with a chisel when he picked up the shelf in case he needed to fine tune some of the dimensions. Apparently after about 40 minutes it fit like a glove and I appreciate the effort he went to […]
Hole In the Wall
My mom apparently doesn’t like washing dishes while staring at the wall. She requested that a hole be put in the wall that divides the kitchen from the living room which is a good idea. Mark and I spent most of a Saturday tearing into it and getting it roughed in with a first coat […]