Deck Remodel – Sunday (day 2)

Posted by admin on September 12, 2010

Well, it is definitely much nicer weather today and the humidity has dropped.  There are no clouds at all so it will feel hot out.  My goal is simple today.  Get up the decking.. or at least most of it.  The first thing to go was the picnic table.  I had noticed it was rotting at the bottom of its legs.  We’ve had it for over 10 years, so I’m not complaining.  The easiest way to get it down is just to push it overboard!

The picnic table took a spill!

The decking removal was slow going.  Definitely a lot harder to pull up than I imagined. Most of the nails were about half-way rusted through.  Many nailheads broke off  and many of the boards had 4 or even sometimes 6 nails at the joist.

Almost half of the Decking removed.

Vic felt a little better today and helped me pound out nails.  He did pretty good for having to deal with such rusty nails.

Based on the number of nails I am pulling out, I think I will need a lot of deck screws for the rebuild!  Here’s a picture of the nails we are pulling out.  Note:  I’ve already dumped one nearly full box into the trash!

More rusty and broken nails than you can count...

I was able to get a few more boards of but wasn’t able to get them all off today.  Luckily the joists seem to be in ok condition.  I am planning on putting extra posts underneath and in the center of the deck to better stabilize it.

More progress removing decking. The boards you see are the ones I was using to sit on while removing the others up near the brick area.

Calling it quits for the day!


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