Deck Remodel – Monday (day 3)

Posted by admin on September 13, 2010

Ok.  Today more of the same.  I only got about and hour and a half after getting home from work and after dinner to work on tearing off the decking.  I was able to finish all the decking in front of kitchen portion and only a little bit remains in front of the sliding glass door.  I have to admit that I really feel like I am just now learning the “art” of pulling nails.  I mean, after 38 years, you’d think you couldn’t learn any more tricks with something as simple as a hammer and a nail in a block of wood…  Well, believe me, I’ve learned quite a few so far and I’m really hoping I won’t forget them.

More progress removing decking. The boards you see are the ones I was using to sit on while removing the others up near the brick area.

Right about 7 PM it started to get darker and the gnats and mosquitoes were on the prowl.  Just enough time to grab the camera, take a picture and quit for the night.

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